PKL151便携式颗粒计数仪(显微镜法) PKL151便携式颗粒计数仪(显微镜法)据有使用简便,经济耐用等优点。广泛用于液压油,润滑油及水乙二醇抗燃液的清洁度现场检测,检测清洁度直观易读,并能帮助维护工程师判断油品污染物的性质,判断污染物的来源,是现代工厂维护的*检测设备。 PKL151便携式颗粒计数仪(显微镜法) 仪器特点 PKL151便携式颗粒计数仪(显微镜法) PKL151 portable particle counter (microscopy) according to the use of simple, economic and durable. Widely used in hydraulic oil cleanliness, detection of on-site oil and water glycol fire resistant hydraulic lubrication, detection of cleanliness readable, and can help the maintenance engineer to determine the nature of oil pollutant sources of pollutants, judgment, is the necessary testing equipment of modern plant maintenance. |
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