PSP104型智能气相色谱仪使用方法1、 该仪器采用互联网通信技术,可轻松组成局域网;互联网实现远距离数据传输、远程控制、远程诊断、程序可进行自动升级。2、 仪器网内部设计3个独立的连接进程,可方便单位主管和上级单位实时监控设备的运行和数据结果。3、 一台工作站可同时支持99台仪器的工作,数据分析实现对被测装置的控制,*地降低了用户投资的成本。4、 仪器可支持自动进样
PSP104型智能气相色谱仪 执行标准:GB/T 17623-1998《绝缘油中溶解气体组分含量的气相色谱测定法》 GB/T 7252-2001《变压器油中溶解气体分析和判断导则》 DL/T 722-2000《变压器油中溶解气体分析和判断导则》 PSP104型智能气相色谱仪 主要特点 2、 仪器网内部设计3个独立的连接进程,可方便单位主管和上级单位实时监控设备的运行和数据结果。 3、 一台工作站可同时支持99台仪器的工作,数据分析实现对被测装置的控制,zui大程度地降低了用户投资的成本。 4、 仪器可支持自动进样器,自动顶空进样器,裂解进样器等多种进样方式;可定时自动采样分析,实现无人值守的在线分析。 5、 具有快速升降温结构,可实现80℃/分的升温速率;实现室温环境下的工作;在有液氮条件下,支持-80℃至450℃的宽范围的温度控制。 6、 仪器采用5.7英寸彩屏显示,可同时显示两路谱图;8路流量数字显示;16阶程序升温。. 7、 可多台仪器组合,实现一次进样多种数据同时得到多维的色谱分析。 PSP104型智能气相色谱仪 技术参数 Rn≤10uv
PSP104 inligent gas chromatograph Executive Standard : GB / T 17623-1998 " gas components dissolved in insulating oil content by gas chromatography method ." GB / T 7252-2001 " transformer oil dissolved gas analysis and assessment guidelines" DL / T 722-2000 " transformer oil dissolved gas analysis and assessment guidelines" Key Features 1, this instrument uses Internet communication technologies can be easily LAN components ; Internet for long-distance data transmission, remote control, remote diagnostics , procedures can be automatically upgraded. 2 , the instrument internal network design three separate connection process can be easily Unit Head and higher unit real-time monitoring equipment operation and data results. 3 , a workstation can support the work of 99 instruments , data analysis to achieve control of the device under test , minimizing the user cost of investment . 4 , the instrument can support autosampler , automatic headspace sampler, a variety of pyrolysis injector injection mode ; sampling and analysis can be timed automatic , unattended on-line analysis . 5, with rapid heating and cooling structure can be realized 80 ℃ / min heating rate ; room-temperature of the work environment ; conditions in a liquid nitrogen , -80 ℃ to 450 ℃ support a wide range of temperature control. 6, the instrument uses a 5.7 inches color display , which can display two spectra ; 8-way traffic figures ; 16-step temperature programming . . 7, can be more than one instrument combination, to achieve a single injection of multiple data simultaneously to get multidimensional chromatography. 8 , the instrument can automatically identify the user with the number of detectors . 9 , the instrument can also equipped with two thermal conductivity detector , and has a high sensitivity (S ≥ 10000mv.ml/mg), a higher level to meet the needs of our customers . 10 , advanced gas flow can be realized hydrogen flame detector and thermal conductivity detector simultaneously. Technical parameters 1 , temperature range : room temperature ~ 450 ℃, in a liquid nitrogen conditions , -80 ℃ ~ 450 ℃, increase 1 ℃, accuracy ± 0.1 ℃ Temperature program : 16-step heating rate of 0.1 ~ 80 ℃ / min Communication Interface: Ethernet , IEEE802.3 2, FID: Mt ≤ 5 × 10-12g / s ( n-hexadecane ) Rn ≤ 5 × 10-14A Rd ≤ 1 × 10-13A/30min Linear range : ≥ 106 TCD: S ≥ 10000mv.ml/mg (C6H6) Rn ≤ 10uv Rd ≤ 30uv/30min Linear range : ≥ 104 FPD: Mt ≤ 2 × 10-11g / s ( methyl parathion in sulfur ) Rn ≤ 50uv Rd ≤ 20uv/30min Linear range : ≥ 105 ECD: Mt ≤ 3 × 10-14g/ml (R-666) Rn ≤ 15uv Rd ≤ 20uv/30min Radioactive Ni63 NPD: Mt ≤ 8 × 10-13g / s ( azobenzene ); ≤ 5 × 10-13g / s ( malathion ) Rn ≤ 2 × 10-12A Rd ≤ 2 × 10-13A/30min Linear range : ≥ 105 C Minimum detectable concentration: H2: 1ppm; O2: 5ppm; N2: 5ppm; CO ≤ 0.2ppm CO2 ≤ 0.5ppm; CH4 ≤ 0.2ppm; C2H2 ≤ 0.1ppm SO2 ≤ 0.2ppm; H2S ≤ 0.2ppm |
上海旺徐电气有限公司 沪ICP备17006008号-39 技术支持:化工仪器网 GoogleSitemap 总访问量:233309